#1 Customization / Branding

Go to Account > Account Details to:

– change the name of your company

– upload a logo to use on the generated analysis

– change the analysis bot email

– update the text used for your leads funnel (if hosted by us – you have complete control if you host it yourself)

#2 Leads Funnel Unlimited

Simply copy the two lines of code below and add them into a webpage of your choosing. Yes, you can run multiple marketing campaigns by embedding this code on multiple pages.

Upon successfully completing the embedding process, your personal leads funnel will appear on your website as shown below:

Lead magnet

This tool allows prospective merchants to upload their statement and receive a summary analysis in exchange for providing their name, email address, and phone number.

You will receive an instant notification in your email inbox when a merchant uploads a statement, and can then find their contact information, along with their statement, in the History/Leads tab in your Fee Navigator Account.

For testing purposes, click the following link to review the functionality yourself:

#3 Email Bot

Your analysis email bot is:

Guard it with your life. Joking 🙂

It is automatically generated – you may change it in your Account Details (see above) if you prefer a different one.

Use it to forward statements when on the go, or ask merchants to do so.

You can also use this to forward scans you make via mobile applications such as  the free GeniusScan (recommended, available on both iOS and Android phones), or others.